Thursday, November 5, 2015

Business Meeting
October 30, 2015 / 2:00 pm  Maureenʼs House

1. Welcome: No new members. Juliet, Maggie, Sarah, Malerie, Maureen, Carol, Charlotte, Janice, Joan, Helen, Sandy, Leslie in attendance.

2. Agenda:  Approved.

3. Minutes of the last meeting, May 12, 2015:  Approved as submitted.

4. Financial Report:
·         Credit Union balance as of April 30, 2015: $4153.94
·         May deposits: $80.00* bank charges: $3.50
·         Maureen Tierney: $290.30** Balance: $3940.30
·         June deposits: $64.00*** bank charges: $3.50
·         Balance: $4000.80
·         July deposits: $676.00**** bank charges: $3.50
·         Car Magnets $252.00
·         Balance: $4421.30 
·         There was also a cheque written Aug. 25 for $80 for Grandmothers to Grandmothers window decals. This will show up on the Sept. bank statement.
o   *6 membership fees
o   ** materials purchased for totes and potholders (fabric, beads)
o   *** 1 membership and sale of 3 sets of potholders
o   **** 2 memberships and sale of potholders, travel dolls and totes at PRISMA and Sunday market.
Maureen will send a cheque off to the Stephen Lewis Foundation soon.

5. Information and/or Updates from Assigned Positions:
a) Chair - Janice Rayson:  No update
b) Minutes - Leslie Paul:  No update
c) Treasurer, Chapter Coordination, Regional Connection - Maureen Tierney and Maggie Hanson:  No update
d) Membership - Malerie Meeker and Maureen Tierney:  No update
e) Agenda, Sunshine Gogos Blog, Bi-annual Education Meeting - Malerie Meeker:  No update
f) Publicity - Sheila Hodgson, Jan Padgett, Linda Rosen:  No update

6. Fundraising / Sales Reports:
  • ·         Totes / Merchandise - Maggie: $788 in tote kitty, 40 totes sold so far in 2015, discussion around whether or not we should continue making totes - yes - , Juliet will check with Eccossentials about possibly selling totes there. Thanks to Maggie and all of the other tote tarts!
  • ·         Kazuri jewelry - No more. Janice has not received notice regarding our sales profit with the most recent shipment and no word yet as to the future of the Coop.
  • ·         Labels - Maureen - $21 revenue, Malerie will send another reminder to the membership about how to order and use the labels. Juliet will approach Ecole Cote de Soleil about using the labels.
  • ·         Knitting - Helen has more than 20 hats ready for sale. Thanks, Helen!
  • ·         Cards - Sandy showed us her most recent Christmas cards. Lovely! Discussion regarding pricing and it was decided to up the price of the folded paper cards to $7 and leave the simpler cards at $5. Please save plastic card sleeves.

7. Upcoming Work Gatherings:  Mesh Bee in the New Year.

8. Other Business:
a) Other fundraising ideas that our group could take on:
o   Maureen stayed at some Beds without Breakfasts back east and learned that other groups have small combination social/fundraising dinners.
o   We seem to be doing quite well with our own fund-raising efforts.
o   Joan asked about getting more envelops for people to use when making donations. We do have some and will make sure they are available for people at fundraising events.
o   Maggie will call to see how to order “Little Travelers”.
b) Malerie started a discussion about which region we want to be aligned with - Island or Lower Mainland. We decided to stick with the Island partly due to ease of traveling. Malerie will let both groups know.
c) Maureen showed us new magnetic car signs for advertising events. Much discussion about how best to change the event information. Signs were given out to those wanting them and it was decided that we will experiment with what works best - dry erase markers, stickers, paper and tape.

 9) Upcoming Events:
a) Lund Craft Fair - Nov. 14: Maggie and Janice will set up and take down. We will need three people per shift on two-hour shifts. Sign-up notice will be sent by email.
b) Hospital Sale - tentatively set for Dec. 7, but Charlotte will confirm with the hospital. Baked items sold very well last year so we will do that again.  Wrapped baking should be dropped off at Charlotteʼs the weekend before the sale. There will be another email closer to the date. Thanks Charlotte.

10) Date of Next Business Meeting:  Tuesday January 12, 2016, 7:00 pm at Janiceʼs.

11) Adjournment:  3:30 pm.