Saturday, April 16, 2016

(Photo posted with thanks to the Hornby Island HUGGS)

A partnership has been struck between Powell River Sunshine Gogos and Friends of the Library for a fabulous fundraiser event! It will be called "A Chair to Remember"  (a take off on the famous movie "An Affair to Remember".)
This is a fabulous event and a fabulous fundraiser! The gist of it is: We collect wooden chairs, stools benches etc (hopefully free), we sand and prime them, and then invite artists to adopt a chair and create a useable work of art!! You may also have an "inner artist" and want to adopt and create a chair yourself!!

We have a friend in Ladner who recently scoured the streets in her neighbourhood during the annual free "junk pickup" and managed to pick up 28 chairs. Our goal for this our first chair auction is 60 chairs - so we are almost half-way there!  Rumour has it that there is a similar "junk pickup" in June in Victoria (maybe Oak Bay?)

We are planning to hold the chair auction in 2017 .... in the meantime we need your help and your involvement in this fabulous project.

We need chairs! We need people to pick up the chairs from Ladner (and maybe Victoria).  We need people to store chairs  -they can be stacked now, but later after sanding/priming/painting they will need more room so they don't get marked. And in the months to come we will need help sanding and priming the chairs.

Just to give you an idea of what this could generate:  Hornby Island has done two chair auctions - the first with 110 chairs which generated $28,000; the second with 100 chairs that generated $22,000. West Van held an auction with 60 chairs raising $10,000.

Please respond and let us know if you are able to participate in any way to make this event the success it can be!!

To see other communities who have held chair auctions-go to your browser and look up:
Ashland Oregon Chair Auction (the original event), Hornby Island Chair AuctionWest Vancouver Chair Auction; or Costa Rica Chair Auction and you will see some of the fabulous chairs that were created and auctioned
Thank you!
Maureen Tierney

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